The Roles agreed last night mirror the Council's Cabinet and as such there are plenty of useful resources on the Council's monthly meetings calendar. We want these new committees to look into how their sector is being affected by changes and what exactly is happening in detail. They will be seeking to build relationships with the council's relevant department and also building relationships with the community. They'll need to understand SACC's founding statement in the "About Us" section which emphasises unity. They'll also need to learn about how the council operates and what decisions the council are making. SACC will offer support as and when it is needed!
There will be a monthly committees meeting around two weeks before the Regular SACC meeting which will enable the Chairs of the committees to report back about what they are doing e.t.c. Sometimes one sector will be affected by things which are happening in the other sectors so this will be an important part of their work. It will be important that the committees look at the whole effect of the Council's actions on their sector sometimes one action by the council will affect several sectors so it is important not to feel too limited by your own specific committee role and for the chairs to work together when necessary.
The committees will need at least two people to run them so there is not too much pressure on one person. However it may be possible for people to put themselves forward for a chair and a vice chair role on different committees as the council's cabinet do. We will attempt to obtain the portfolio each cabinet committee works from and this page will be updated with the info as we get it. Each committee's first responsibility will be to either request the portfolio of the cabinet committee from the council, or if it has been obtained, to outline and familiarise themselves with exactly what their committee should be looking at.
Questions to bear in mind are - What decisions are being made? How are they being made? Who will be affected? How can we get information - from the public and from the council?
The roles are:
1. Children's Services
2. Corporate Services
3. Environmental
4. Communities
5. Leisure and Tourism
6. Performance and Governance
7. Regeneration
8. Health and Social Care
9. Technical Services
1. Children's Services is fairly self-explanatory and will include things like Children's and Youth Centres.
2. Corporate Services as I understand it, is about finances, personnel, HR, grants to the voluntary sector e.t.c.
3. Environmental will be looking at recycling, air quality, noise, dog fouling, cycling e.t.c. it is likely they will need to liase fairly closely with Technical services over things like building on green belt land.
4. Communities will be forming links with community groups and charitable organisations like sefton equalities partnership and sefton CVS. Looking at what is happening in the various Area Committee meetings, safety policies, area profiles e.t.c. It is likely this group will need to work closely with perfomance and governance.
5. Leisure and Tourism will be looking at libraries, leisure services, tourism e.t.c. closure of local museums and history services, the balance of leisure services across the borough e.t.c.
6. Performance and Governance will be looking at what policies are coming from central government, what budget constraints exist, area profiles, the spread of services across the borough, area committees e.t.c.
7. Regeneration will be looking at housing, business and growth e.t.c.
8. Health and Social Care will be looking at disability, social care, health and well being e.t.c.
9. Technical Services will be looking at things like planning, transport, highways, gritting/ploughing e.t.c.
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